Thursday, May 21, 2009

Aldrin's Philippines Information

The newest and best place to interract with others from the country of Philippines.

Future Posts on the way...


  1. Aldrin - Please tell me what you think? I would like to add some popular Philippine web sites, as well as possibly pictures, so maybe we can exchange e-mails?

    I think the students will find this easier to access, and the foreign participants may enjoy some more "personal" sections within the Blog to communicate with myself and the students.

    Thanks again for all your information. Please continue to Post.

    Hi! I'm Aldrin Reyes, from Manila, Philippines...(Charmic's cousin). Feel free to ask me questions about the Philippines ^__^.

  3. Copied from International PostMay 21, 2009 at 7:01 PM

    May 9, 2009 8:56 PM
    Allen core 3 said...
    Hi I am Allen. I have a ouestin about the Philippines. How is the culture there different from the U.S.A? What is the most popular sport?

    May 10, 2009 8:44 PM
    ross core 4 said...
    Hi i am Ross and i would also like to know about your culture and what you eat.Is it a great place to vist?Do you fish?If you do what kind do you catch and eat?Im a big fishermen myself.

    sincerely Ross

    May 11, 2009 4:14 PM
    Olivia:)core4 said...
    Hi I'm Olivia. My step grandfather was born in the Philippines. And i was wondering in the schooling what are some basic things you learn?

    May 11, 2009 5:09 PM
    Amber core 2 said...
    Hi my name is Amber. I am a friend of your cousin Charmic. So what do you like to do in the Philippines(hobbies). What is your favorite food and what is the best selling food in the Philippines. This is a question for one of my classmates. Is there a McDonald's in the Philippines. I am very eamazed at how educated the kids are in the Philippines. Charmic has told me how smart the kids are.

    May 11, 2009 5:36 PM
    Emma Core 4 said...
    Hi I am Emma and I am also a friend of Charmic.
    I was wondering what the currency was in the Phillipines.
    Thanks Sincerely

    May 11, 2009 7:37 PM
    Haley Core 4 said...
    Hi I am Haley and my question is what is the most unusual thing you have eaten there that might not be in the United States? If you have visited here.

    May 11, 2009 8:03 PM
    Matt L Homeroom-Koczot said...
    Hi My Name is Matt. I Have A Question Do you Watch American Idol? or Philippine Idol?

    May 11, 2009 8:04 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Allen core 3

    Basketball is the most popular sport.Boxing is also well liked.I don't know if you've heard but a Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao recently won....

    May 11, 2009 9:01 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Ross core 4

    I love to eat fish....But,I don't go fishing. We don't live near the water...haha...If you want to take a vacation here in the Philippines,I suggest going to Boracay beach (white sand),stay in a Shangri-la Hotel or Hyatt Hotel!

    May 11, 2009 9:19 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Olivia core 4

    Cool!.. Uhm I would say the most basic thing we learn in schooling is how valuable education is.....

    May 11, 2009 9:30 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Amber core 2

    I love to play basketball, surf the internet, and play my guitar...The best selling food would probably be fish and fruits.....haha... we do have plenty of Mc Donalds here in the Philippines....& tnx for the compliment ..... like charmic probably said b4 we value education a lot...

    May 11, 2009 10:01 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Emma core 4

    The currency here in the Philippines is Pesos!

    May 11, 2009 10:03 PM
    Aldrin said...

    There is Philippine Idol here...a lot like American Idol...I only watch it sometimes...

    May 11, 2009 10:11 PM
    Mr. Koczot said...
    Hello Aldrin - This is Mr. Koczot, the students Social Studies teacher. I first want to thank you (and Charmic) for coming together like this on the BLOG, answering questions, and educating these students. I think it's GREAT! I have a few questions for you... One, What is the time difference between you and us here on the east coast of the U.S., and although I know the answer, the students may find it amazing. Second, how old are you, and what is the highest level of education you have completed in your country? Finally, what do you personally think of this BLOG idea - Is there a future in it; a way to easily communicate, play games, watch video's, and see pictures of others from across the globe??? Thanks again, and talk with you soon - Mr. K.

  4. Copied from International PostMay 21, 2009 at 7:10 PM

    Aldrin said...
    Hi! Mr. Koczot

    No problem.... It's my pleasure....The time difference between N.C. and the Philippines is 12 hours. So, when it's 10 PM at night here... it's only 10 AM in the morning there in N.C.!

    I am 16 yrs. old; and I just graduated from high school. Next school year, I will be a freshman in college!

    I think this blog idea is fantastic.... a fun and easier way to communicate with others... keep up the good work...


    May 15, 2009 8:58 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Christina core 4

    yes... there are colleges and universities here in the Philippines ..... there are about 7,100 islands...

    May 15, 2009 9:08 PM
    Aldrin said...
    Logan core 4

    Life here is great to me...haha.. I'm not sure about other opinions...

    May 15, 2009 9:14 PM
